
Summer Vacation Made Easy

Summer is around the corner and most of us have a summer vacation planned, whether it’s a road trip, stay-cation or vacation to the beach.
Summer vacations and traveling can be tricky if you’re not prepared for it.

Here are a few tips that will make sure that you don’t lose your cool while embarking on your summer vacation:


Stay hydrated


You are going to be out in the sun, having fun, sweating, drinking cocktails and lots more. These activities will naturally dehydrate you, it’s important to keep yourself hydrated. Carry a bottle of water along with you everywhere you go. If you are in Goa during the summers, you will find tender-coconut sellers along the beaches and roadways, you can always opt for this pure and nutritious beverage in its natural state.


Wear sunscreen


A must-have during summer vacation is a good sunscreen. Most travellers neglect this and end up with unwanted tan or a sunburn. Before heading out to any place, apply sunscreen and always remember to re-apply it every three to four hours to ensure that your skin remains protected.


Eat cooling foods


Who doesn’t love binging on street food? But during summer, it is better to avoid such food as it can be a cause of diarrhoea, gastroenteritis or dehydration. As much as possible, avoid oily, hot and spicy food or the kind of food that does not appear safe to eat.

Instead, when you need a quick bite, try to munch on cool, watery foods like cucumber, citrus fruits, watermelon etc., these will help you stay hydrated too.



It is best to stick to cotton and linen clothes during this season. Instead of focusing on trendy clothing, go for loose fits and comfort. Also, pick on lighter colours as dark colours absorb more heat.


Pack a health Kit


Expect the unexpected. It is always best to be prepared for any unforeseen occurrences. These are some of the mandatory carry-ons –

    • an anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen
    • anti-diarrhea medication
    • motion sickness medication
    • band-aids
    • antiseptic cream

Is the globetrotter inside you all excited for the summer trip? We wish you a happy and fun-filled summer vacation.

For villa and hotel bookings in Goa, contact Seashell Villas.

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