
Rest and relaxation after the holiday season

The holiday season is a hectic time for everyone. Whether you’re taking a trip or you live in a place where the festive season is celebrated with great fervour, chances are you’re going to be exhausted once all the fun has died down. That’s when you realise that you need to decompress and destress from all that Christmas and New Year activity.

There are any number of ways to destress after the holidays. We picked a few to help you out.

Rest when you can

From the beginning of December right up to the New Year, everything’s a blur. There were things to do, people to see and parties and weddings to attend almost every night. After New Year is when you’ll have time to yourself and it’s important that you use this time to rest, relax and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. Whether it’s a power nap or one that lasts longer, you need to sleep off the exhaustion.

Eat Healthy

While the holidays are all fun and games, you usually end up eating a lot of food and sweets which can and will upset your system. This adds to the stress your body is going through in the post holiday slump. While one glass of red wine won’t hurt, staying hydrated with water is your best option to overcome the overload in your body’s internal system. When it comes to eating healthy, choose a diet that’s rich in fiber and carbohydrates and eat a lot of fresh fruit and veggies.

Get that blood pumping with exercise

Once the holidays are over, everyone starts with their favourite New Year resolution of joining the gym. While that is a great option, you could just start with going for a walk in the morning to get those endorphins flowing, which in turn will make you feel really good.

Meditate your way to a clear mind

After the hectic Christmas season, you definitely need some downtime. Meditation is known to be a powerful tool in eliminating stress. Even if you do it for just 5 minutes, you’ll definitely feel a lot better. So turn off your phone, close your eyes and just breathe evenly and deeply. You’ll see the results soon enough.

Take a mini vacation

We know the holiday season is just about over but that doesn’t mean you can’t go somewhere in the vicinity to detox and destress from everything. We recommend you visit Goa. With it’s beautiful beaches and welcoming ambiance, it’s the best place to enjoy a peaceful mini vacation. Stay at SEASHELL Suites and Villas Candolim, close to the beach as well as some great shopping and nightlife options. Hurry and book yourself a well deserved mini vacation to get over the holiday rush!

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